Earth Healing & Wellness Services
Earth Healing & Wellness Services
- 7 products
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"Spiritual direction is an ancient form of Christian soul care that goes back to the earliest days of the church...In its classical form, spiritual direction is as one-on-one relationship organized around prayer and conversation directed towards deepening intimacy with God. Spiritual directors are not experts, nor do they direct. They do not follow a standardized curriculum, or implement a prepackaged program. Rather, they journey with others who, like themselves, are committed to the process of spiritual transformation...." - David Benner, Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship and Direction, pg 17)
Spiritual direction is an interpersonal relationship where you learn to listen to where you are on your spiritual journey, and you learn how to awaken your inner and outer self to the Mystery who accompanies you. It is a space where you learn how to listen to and talk about your sacred story and how your story is a part of the greater Story. Spiritual direction sessions may focus on different spiritual practices to help you listen to what the Divine is saying to you, but this is not always the case for everyone. A person may only need one session while some may want to schedule several sessions over a period of time.
Nicole offers these one hour remote sessions to everyone, regardless of how you identify spiritually or religiously. She is an ordained Presbyterian pastor with a Master's from Princeton Seminary. She is also a Board Certified Chaplain with the APC and has almost two decades of chaplaincy and spiritual direction experience. Nicole specializes in working with people who used to identify as Christian, but because of traumatic experiences, no longer feel that they fit with their previous Christian church and are not sure what they believe, or where they fit, now. These sessions are not about evangelizing, preaching, or Nicole sharing her story or her agenda. These sessions are about you - what is the Divine Mystery saying in your life, and how can you live in such a way that is peaceful and loving towards yourself and others? How can you use your understanding of the Divine to care for yourself, your community, and Mother Earth? If you identify as an atheist or agnostic and want to try spiritual direction, you are invited to do so. If "Higher Power" language makes you uncomfortable, Nicole will work with you to find language that is comfortable and in line with your values and beliefs.
Spiritual Direction is not therapy, and it is not intended to replace therapy or care from any licensed medical or psychiatric professional. Please see my disclaimers page.
Nicole does not want cost to be a prohibiting factor for you if you would like to book a session but cannot afford it at the currect price. Please email her at to discuss pricing or payment options. She understands that insurance does not cover Spiritual Direction, Crystal Healing, Reiki, and Curadera work and that money is tight for many. Peace and blessings to you.
Please take note of my disclaimers page. Spiritual Direction, Crystal Healing, Reiki, and Curadera work are never meant to be substitutes for seeking medical and psychiatric care. Advice given through Grounded and Growing Wellness is spiritual in nature and based on an intuitive reading of energy fields and consultations with metaphysical experts. This advice should be used for informational purposes only. I am not a licensed medical practitioner, do not diagnose conditions, do not perform medical treatments, do not prescribe substances, and do not interfere with the treatment of a client by a licensed medical or mental health professional. No information on Grounded and Growing Wellness should be used as a substitute in any shape or form for professional medical, psychiatric, financial or legal advice.
10% of all profits goes to non-profits who specialize in caring for people living with mental health disorders. If you would like to see where Grounded and Growing Wellness donates, please visit our Giving Back Page.

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- Plática
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Limpias are traditional forms of spiritual cleansing with purification rituals and prayer.
Your one hour remote session will start with up to a 30 minute Plática so you can speak about how you are feeling. This is not a therapy session, and Nicole will not be offering clinical advice. This is a traditional healing method for you to get your words out.
After the Plática, I will use an obsidian egg to draw out stagnant energy from your aura or energetic body, then I will use copal smoke or frankincense, a small fire, feathers and prayers to offer a blessing and ask for healing.
After the Limpia I will place you in a 15 minute healing, grounding, or protection layout.
In cultural settings, this term is used to refer to a part of the session where the client is given the opportunity to speak from the heart to clarify issues, share the reason for seeing Nicole, resolve old hurts and free blocked energy in order to move beyond current unsatisfactory situations. It is considered part of the process of "self-healing" and is not a therapy session. Nicole will offer no clinical advice.
Please take note of my disclaimers page. Spiritual Direction, Crystal Healing, Reiki, and Curadera work are never meant to be substitutes for seeking medical and psychiatric care. Advice given through Grounded and Growing Wellness is spiritual in nature and based on an intuitive reading of energy fields and consultations with metaphysical experts. This advice should be used for informational purposes only. I am not a licensed medical practitioner, do not diagnose conditions, do not perform medical treatments, do not prescribe substances, and do not interfere with the treatment of a client by a licensed medical or mental health professional. No information on Grounded and Growing Wellness should be used as a substitute in any shape or form for professional medical, psychiatric, financial or legal advice.
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A Barrida is a traditional Curadera healing method for those who feel they need help removing general negative energy from their body and surrounding aura.
Your one hour remote session will start with up to a 30 minute Plática so you can speak about how you are feeling. This is not a therapy session, and Rev. Nicole will not be offering clinical advice. This is a traditional healing method for you to get your words out.
Unlike a cord-cutting, which is a Curadera method to call your energy back from one specific person, a Barrida (sweeping), is to get general negative energy off of you. For an in person Barrida, the person seeking the healing would lie down and be placed under a white sheet while the Curadera/o sweeps away the negative energy with a broom. As this is a distance healing, I will place a representation of you under a white sheet and use my Curadera broom to sweep energy away from you while you lie down in a quiet place and think of what is troubling you.
After the Barrida is complete, I will do a 15 minute grounding, healing, or protection layout for you.
In cultural settings, this term is used to refer to a part of the session where the client is given the opportunity to speak from the heart to clarify issues, share the reason for seeing Nicole, resolve old hurts and free blocked energy in order to move beyond current unsatisfactory situations. It is considered part of the process of "self-healing" and is not a therapy session. Nicole will offer no clinical advice.
Please take note of my disclaimers page. Spiritual Direction, Crystal Healing, Reiki, and Curadera work are never meant to be substitutes for seeking medical and psychiatric care. Advice given through Grounded and Growing Wellness is spiritual in nature and based on an intuitive reading of energy fields and consultations with metaphysical experts. This advice should be used for informational purposes only. I am not a licensed medical practitioner, do not diagnose conditions, do not perform medical treatments, do not prescribe substances, and do not interfere with the treatment of a client by a licensed medical or mental health professional. No information on Grounded and Growing Wellness should be used as a substitute in any shape or form for professional medical, psychiatric, financial or legal advice.
10% of all profits goes to non-profits who specialize in caring for people living with mental health disorders. If you would like to see where Grounded and Growing Wellness donates, please visit our Giving Back page.

- Description
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- Giving Back
Using prayer candles to ask a question of the Sacred is an ancient practice used in many cultures. It is also part of Curadera work. We believe the Sacred is always speaking and wants to speak with you. The candle is just the method for how we try and direct our asking and listening.
This remote service includes a 15 minute Plática (heart to heart talk) about what your prayer is. You will need to be very specific about what you are asking. The prayer candle is one prayer, one candle. We will not make multiple requests because then it will be difficult to understand the answer. It would be best if you spend time before our Plática really thinking about what you want to ask. Do you have a question about your job? Your family? Your life path? Break your question down to one thing. We can also work on a prayer candle to ask abundance and prosperity into your life, or love. Please understand that this is not spell work. We are NOT working a spell. What we are doing here is asking a question and trying to understand together what the answer is.
I will burn your candle for you for 7 days after you have decided what your intention/prayer is. At the end of the 7 days we will meet virtually once more for 15 minutes to go over what I saw with your candle.
In some instances, the candle will not stay lit. If it goes out once, I will relight it. I assume natural causes first (maybe the air conditioning blew it out?). If it goes out a second time I will relight. The third time your candle goes out, I will assume that something is amiss with the prayer/intention. For example, I worked on a prayer candle with someone who wanted help starting a new business. The candle went out three times, so I stopped trying to light it and let her know we could not proceed further at that time. I told her I prayed and felt the message was that she was not taking care of herself and she was going to make herself sick. She then told me she had felt intuitively that she needed to slow down and reconnect with herself and Creator. She took a month to focus on slowing down and connecting. She contacted me again, we tried again, and her 7 day candle burned down in 4 days. That meant she had a lot of energy and support behind her prayer, help was on the way, but the message as a whole was - make sure you take care of yourself while you build your business, or you won't be able to sustain it. If your candle will not stay lit and we have to stop, I will refund you $25, or half, of the total fee minus taxes.
In cultural settings, this term is used to refer to a part of the session where the client is given the opportunity to speak from the heart to clarify issues, share the reason for seeing Nicole, resolve old hurts and free blocked energy in order to move beyond current unsatisfactory situations. It is considered part of the process of "self-healing" and is not a therapy session. Nicole will offer no clinical advice.
Please take note of my disclaimers page. Spiritual Direction, Crystal Healing, Reiki, and Curadera work are never meant to be substitutes for seeking medical and psychiatric care. Advice given through Grounded and Growing Wellness is spiritual in nature and based on an intuitive reading of energy fields and consultations with metaphysical experts. This advice should be used for informational purposes only. I am not a licensed medical practitioner, do not diagnose conditions, do not perform medical treatments, do not prescribe substances, and do not interfere with the treatment of a client by a licensed medical or mental health professional. No information on Grounded and Growing Wellness should be used as a substitute in any shape or form for professional medical, psychiatric, financial or legal advice.
10% of all profits goes to non-profits who specialize in caring for people living with mental health disorders. If you would like to see where Grounded and Growing Wellness donates, please visit our Giving Back page.
- Description
- Plática
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This remote healing session is not intended for first time clients. Your session will start with up to a 30 minute Plática so you can speak about how you are feeling. This is not a therapy session, and Nicole will not be offering clinical advice. This is a traditional healing method for you to get your words out and get focused on what relationship you need to break-off energetically.
Cord-cutting is the practice of calling your energy back to you from another person, breaking the connection between you, and I will be working with my obsidian knife. It can be very helpful for those who have been in an abusive relationship, those who have been through a divorce or an unpartnering. I do not do cord-cuttings for Dead Names as that person is still a part of you, even though that identity does not match who you are. I do not recommend that you cut off parts of yourself (again acknowledging that the dead name was not you in the fullness of yourself), but you can call your energy back from others.
After you and I work through the cord-cutting together, I will do a 15 minute healing and protection layout for you. If you wish to seek support for healing from a Dead Name, please email me and we can discuss options for empowerment and healing.
In cultural settings, this term is used to refer to a part of the session where the client is given the opportunity to speak from the heart to clarify issues, share the reason for seeing Nicole, resolve old hurts and free blocked energy in order to move beyond current unsatisfactory situations. It is considered part of the process of "self-healing" and is not a therapy session. Nicole will offer no clinical advice.
Please take note of my disclaimers page. Spiritual Direction, Crystal Healing, Reiki, and Curadera work are never meant to be substitutes for seeking medical and psychiatric care. Advice given through Grounded and Growing Wellness is spiritual in nature and based on an intuitive reading of energy fields and consultations with metaphysical experts. This advice should be used for informational purposes only. I am not a licensed medical practitioner, do not diagnose conditions, do not perform medical treatments, do not prescribe substances, and do not interfere with the treatment of a client by a licensed medical or mental health professional. No information on Grounded and Growing Wellness should be used as a substitute in any shape or form for professional medical, psychiatric, financial or legal advice.
10% of all profits goes to non-profits who specialize in caring for people living with mental health disorders. If you would like to see where Grounded and Growing Wellness donates, please visit our Giving Back page.
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This remote crystal healing session is not intended for first time clients, and includes a 15 minute Plática (consult) before your session so you can tell me what you would like to work on. After our consultation I will create a crystal layout specifically for the issue you would like to address. Your one hour session will include a 15 minute balancing and then your issue specific layout. Some issue layout suggestions might be:
-manifestation & abundance layout
-protection & grounding layout
-relaxation layout
-self-love layout
-caregiver burnout layout (good for anyone who is a caregiver, whether at home or as part of your job outside the home, i.e. nurses, therapists, etc)
Sometimes during a healing I will receive a message in the form of a spirit animal. I cannot control when that happens, but if I get a message for you, I will let you know.
In cultural settings, this term is used to refer to a part of the session where the client is given the opportunity to speak from the heart to clarify issues, share the reason for seeing Nicole, resolve old hurts and free blocked energy in order to move beyond current unsatisfactory situations. It is considered part of the process of "self-healing" and is not a therapy session. Nicole will offer no clinical advice.
Please take note of my disclaimers page. Spiritual Direction, Crystal Healing, Reiki, and Curadera work are never meant to be substitutes for seeking medical and psychiatric care. Advice given through Grounded and Growing Wellness is spiritual in nature and based on an intuitive reading of energy fields and consultations with metaphysical experts. This advice should be used for informational purposes only. I am not a licensed medical practitioner, do not diagnose conditions, do not perform medical treatments, do not prescribe substances, and do not interfere with the treatment of a client by a licensed medical or mental health professional. No information on Grounded and Growing Wellness should be used as a substitute in any shape or form for professional medical, psychiatric, financial or legal advice.
10% of all profits goes to non-profits who specialize in caring for people living with mental health disorders. If you would like to see where Grounded and Growing Wellness donates, please visit our Giving Back page.

- Description
- New Clients
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This one hour remote session combines the Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healing Method with Reiki healing to help balance and re-align your chakras. I hope to remove any emotional or energetic blocks with Reiki, while working with the crystals to restore balance. I will take a reading of each of your seven main chakras at the beginning and end of your session so we can both see what changes were made. Some people who are exceptionally depleted in a certain chakra may need more than one session to balance. Reiki infused crystal healings are gentle and effective, and can assist all areas of the body. However, this treatment is NOT a replacement for medical and/or psychiatric care with a practitioner. Please see my disclaimers page. Each one hour session will include up to a ten minute check in before and after the healing layout.
Sometimes during a healing session I will receive a message in the form of a spirit animal or nature scene. I cannot control when that happens, but if I get a message for you, I will let you know.
Please make sure you turn in all new client paperwork 24 hours in advance of your appointment. Every new client will receive two healing crystals that have been Reiki charged prior to your first appointment that you will keep and use for any subsequent appointments with me. Distance healing does not require that a client have physical crystals on you as I am connecting to your energetic body. However, as someone with anxiety who also lives with loved ones with ADHD, I can appreciate that having a physical object to hold can help with relaxation and focus, and wish to provide that to all my clients.
Please take note of my disclaimers page. Spiritual Direction, Crystal Healing, Reiki, and Curadera work are never meant to be substitutes for seeking medical and psychiatric care. Advice given through Grounded and Growing Wellness is spiritual in nature and based on an intuitive reading of energy fields and consultations with metaphysical experts. This advice should be used for informational purposes only. I am not a licensed medical practitioner, do not diagnose conditions, do not perform medical treatments, do not prescribe substances, and do not interfere with the treatment of a client by a licensed medical or mental health professional. No information on Grounded and Growing Wellness should be used as a substitute in any shape or form for professional medical, psychiatric, financial or legal advice.
10% of all profits goes to non-profits who specialize in caring for people living with mental health disorders. If you would like to see where Grounded and Growing Wellness donates, please visit our Giving Back page.